Goodbye First Trimester!
While it's been great building this tiny little baby over the last 13 weeks, I am so happy this trimester is over. I'm happy to be passing the season of building blood volume, night time queasiness, complete and utter exhaustion, my face breaking out because of floods of hormones, and overall yucky feeling.
Hello Second Trimester.....
I will embrace the maternity clothes. Sadness set in this week at not fitting into things, so my regular clothes were boxed up and but out of sight. I will see you again when my little bean is in my arms and not my belly.
I will embrace the tiny baby kicks I have finally started to feel.
I will embrace the bizarre need to eat at weird times.
This past Thursday night we had an appointment with our OB for blood work and an ultrasound. I wasn't able to get my blood drawn at my first appointment due to scheduling, so the tech had to drawn a ton of blood this time :( Worst part of pregnancy. On the flip side, we had our ultrasound to determine risk of Down Syndrome, and all the fluids and measurements looked perfectly healthy, praise God.
I asked the technician if it would be possible to determine the baby's gender this time around. She said not for certain, but pretty close. So when our little bean showed up on the big screen t.v. we were watching, we got a perfect view of our...........drum roll please.............................
BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
He's healthy and beautiful. He wanted to be onery and decided to turn and flip a few times, so we didn't get a perfect picture of him or all his parts, but we did get to see him drinking, his little heart beating, his spine all formed and our first view of him showed he was going to be a little brother to our little man Mason.
To be honest, this pregnancy has been so incredibly different from Mason's that I was convinced it was going to be a girl. So I was a tad disappointed at first, only because of selfish reasons of wanting pigtails and pink ribbons. I also liked the idea of getting to shop all over for a baby, but I know we will get some new things for this one too.
But the honor of getting to raise two little boys truly humbles me. I can't even begin to imagine what my home will be like with the two of them running around and playing. Mason is so excited about a little brother that he woke up this morning and climbed into bed with us. He woke me up asking, "Mama, my baby?" I told him the baby was sleeping and in my belly, and he said, "My boy."
Each and every time I think of him, I feel such a surge of love and pride for him. I can't wait to meet this tiny little man who will change the course of our lives and I can't wait to experience this wonderful plan God has ordained for him.
Now the name battle begins.....
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