Cuddling in the morning when he wakes up because he wants mommy or daddy to be with him.
Listening to him make up stories and songs in the back seat of the car.
Watching his little eyes and brain process things when we talk about things.
Hearing him negotiate for things like when I say one M&M and he says 2 :)
Eclectic styling decisions in the morning. (Yes, yesterday to avoid a fight he left the house with Handy Manny pajamas, fireman boots, cowboy hat and his leaf blower lawn tool.)
Negotiating sometimes ends in tears when he doesn't win and has to take a minute to process our reasoning.
Sharing seems to work when he wants someone to share with him but not when he has to share with someone else :(
Trying to understand where he comes up with some of these bizarre little stories and wondering what it is he's telling people outside our home???
Explaining non-tangible things to a 3 year old.
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