
Wicked Girls Night Out!!!

Casie won two free tickets to Wicked The Musical....since her hubby didn't want to go she asked me :)

So the guys watched the kids, we dressed up and drove down for the fun!

And the tickets were for great seats!!!

Book fair

I love books....library time and reading to my boys....and of course this week at preschool is Book Fair week....so we go with $20 in hand to buy books this morning and my sweet big guy is obsessed with just this book.... Ok, it is to support our school, why not...but $15 for a book with hardly any words was hard for me to swallow!
So I caved and he won! He was so happy and I had so hard to fight against all of that wanted to stop him an buy books I thought he should have.

So we will read about Dogs with no words and make our own stories and protect this precious book from the little one.


The Many Faces of Mr. Mason

A very sweet girlfriend did us a huge favor this morning and she was kind enough to bring along a camera and take a couple of spur of the moment shots of my boys. I sometimes feel that I try so hard to make sure I don't do the "no pictures of the little one" thing that happens a lot with the second children, so I have tried to be fair in taking photos of both boys. And in all honesty....if you know my big one you already know he's not going to let you ignore him.

There is something so remarkable to me about seeing pictures of my guy taken by another photographer. Almost makes me jealous that they were able to see him through their lens and capture the shot I missed. But anything to get a shot of my sweet love.

When in the world did he get so grown up, so mature, so wonderful?

My friend said she thought about a collage and calling it the "Many Face of Mr. Mason." Which to me is funny because every photographer has said something along those lines. He certainly has "many faces" and while some drive me bonkers.....I sure do love each one!



Peak.... Today, after a couple of hours at Chuck E. Cheese for a birthday party, my man took me to Joanns, Hobby Lobby, Target and topped it off with burgers at Five Guys

Pit.....5 days of hard core workouts at the gym

Prayer....Bless and protect our marriage over the next few weeks as some major changes begin to develop and we make some serious decisions.

Praise..... God is so gracious to bless me with 2 sweet, healthy and happy little boys who drive me crazy and color my life


Little Goal Scoring Buffalo

MJD had a great day today at soccer....along with team photos he had his first goal!!!!!


Superhero Duo

I may not have pigtails in my life, but today when we went to the fountains I couldn't stop smiling over how cute my duo of destruction was in their superhero swim suits.

How I loved watching my little Batman and my big Spiderman :)

Of course they were so excited looking at the fountains that they wouldn't give me a good picture.


10 Month Bean

My 10 month little bean.......

Moves around too much anymore for staged pictures.
Weighs in at 19.8 pounds
Crawls around the house like a mad man.
Is a little tornado and loves to un-organize things!
Insists on playing with and trying to eat dog food.
Adores Mocha and wants to play with her all the time, poor dog!
Yells back at his brother now.
Screams for food.
Calls for "babas" when it is time to nurse at night.
Still loves his paci (also known by some as a pipe :)
Stands alongside furniture and surfs around that way but won't walk on his own.
Loves for you to hold his hands to let him walk.
Adores time in the bathtub, especially if his brother joins him.
Hates when I leave him in the nursery or with a sitter.
Has had a few tumbles and bumps already :/
Is growing this really strawberry redish hair!
Knows exactly what he shouldn't be playing with in the house and attaches exactly to that!
Loves to eat baby Goldfish....the crackers not the animals!
Thinks it is funny to chuck things from his high chair :(
Still an amazing and sweet little boy!


Nothing I can do....

I feel like in my current state there is nothing I can do about things. It is out of my control. As I began to feel a dark head of anger, fear and resentment raise its head in my heart this morning I came upon these words in my Bible Study which brought me to tears.

Thank you sweet Jesus, for meeting me where I am at and rescuing me from myself.


9 Month Bean

(Written out 2 months late! Thank goodness for the iPhone and jotting down the notes I had!)

At the 9th month.....

Liam weighed in at 18.8 lbs. & was 28.5 inches long....
Had his first bout with sickness and suffered through RSV for a week and the onset of an ear infection.
Had 6 teeth.
Began to get on the move!
Loves him some milkshake from CFA :)
Devours chicken
Laughs at his brother
Begins to scream when he wants things specifically.
Loves the bath tub and splashing around.
Becoming very attached to mama.


Our days

Are spent learning to use utensils.....

Playing with pretty ladies....

Kicking it out on the soccer fields...

Slurping smoothies....

Sharing snacks...


My big blessing

Today has not so much been a fantastic day....(more to come at another time) but when we were all in the kitchen getting dinner ready my big grabbed the note pad off the fridge and asked me all serious "Mommy, what do you want me to pray for?"

He then proceeded to ask about important things in our lives...Nena and Papa selling their home, our family, more money, friends.

I need to keep my focus like that of my boy!