

Tim sent me a text picture this morning and told me to call him for the story....

Yesterday, when Tim got home, he saw I was tired and he had to go back to work and do some field samples. In a quick flash he told MJD to go get shoes and get in the truck to go work with Daddy :)
Apparently, in the truck, MJD got ahold of Tim's clipboard and started asking Tim how to spell his name and "best buds".....they must have gotten sidetracked, hence the X, but this was what Tim found in his paperwork this morning....

What melted my heart more was the tenderness in Tim's voice as he told the story to me this morning from work :)

Whatever you reap, that too you shall also sow.


Happy Days

Wrestling on the floor....little has learned how to join!

Sewing/embroidering during nap time!

Sharing Goldfish with Livie at Target :) 

Riding scooters in the house together 
Walking the dogs at Nena's house on Friday
Learning at the library with Hannah and Trenton on non-school days 


Saturday Surprise

My man said yes....to a last minute 4D ultrasound!!!! So at the very last minute on Saturday (after a very hot and sweaty soccer game) we snuck up to Bradenton and got a peek at our newest and last littlest man....

I am so happy we did this. I hate that I spent the money on it, but my heart is so happy and I feel good now that I have some really cute pictures of him for his baby book (especially since the one ultrasound we had didn't produce really good shots.) 

It also worked out perfectly because it was the day before Grandparent's Day, so we burned a copy of the DVD for each set of grandparents and printed out and framed a collage of pictures of each of the three boys.

I've never had estimated weight or measurements done at this stage in a pregnancy, and I don't actually put a whole lot of stock in the machines and equipment because they can be so off! But, according to the technician and the measurements of littlest at 31 weeks he was:
According to head size due: Nov. 5
According to leg length due: Oct. 22
According to tummy size due: Oct. 12

When all factors calculated together....due close to Oct 14-21 (which happily puts me at 37 wks)

When she estimated his weight according to the measurements he was about 5.314 lbs.

Still quite skeptical about the information, not sure how much can really be accurate, but it will be interesting to see how close he comes to which due date and how big he'll be.....I'm totally prepared for a little chunker....it's apparently the way I cook these boys :)

If you need a peek at your little one, I highly recommend, Look Who's Kickin in Bradenton!!! Great experience and gave us a good deal, especially since I called Saturday morning and they fit us in same day :)


My world

On our way to church.....when it starts raining.....

Tim: Mason, how does rain get into clouds? Do you know?

MJD: pauses and ponders...Angels....peeing

Tim: I thought he might say that :)


Bed Rest Bites!

At 30 weeks and 1 day I awoke to a normal morning and we for ready for what we thought was going to be a Saturday spent at a birthday party in Chuck E Cheese....3 hours later I was in the labor and delivery floor at the hospital praying that littlest one wouldn't come early! Contractions that started like they have been off and on for a few weeks started coming on full blast at home and we couldn't get them to stop! Three rounds of drugs, a killer migraine and getting profusely sick in the triage finally got my body to stop them :(
So I have been on bed rest for the past few days till my OB will clear me, hopefully today, and it is the pits!
Thank God for a great hubby, mom and inlaws to watch kiddos. My house is a wreck and I detest staying put but I am too scared to risk my little ones health.....blah! I hate the idea of wanting time to pass quickly because it already goes too fast, but the next 7 weeks need to pass so we can safely have this baby home!