
Bed Rest Bites!

At 30 weeks and 1 day I awoke to a normal morning and we for ready for what we thought was going to be a Saturday spent at a birthday party in Chuck E Cheese....3 hours later I was in the labor and delivery floor at the hospital praying that littlest one wouldn't come early! Contractions that started like they have been off and on for a few weeks started coming on full blast at home and we couldn't get them to stop! Three rounds of drugs, a killer migraine and getting profusely sick in the triage finally got my body to stop them :(
So I have been on bed rest for the past few days till my OB will clear me, hopefully today, and it is the pits!
Thank God for a great hubby, mom and inlaws to watch kiddos. My house is a wreck and I detest staying put but I am too scared to risk my little ones health.....blah! I hate the idea of wanting time to pass quickly because it already goes too fast, but the next 7 weeks need to pass so we can safely have this baby home!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! How scary!!! I'm so glad you're sitting at home instead of in the NICU! Praying for you friend
