
My family

I find that the older I get the more often I lose perspective. So thankful for a God who blessed me with three very real ways to see things differently. Sometimes taking the time see things through the eyes of my four year old is the best way to do life.
On our damp day at home due to Tropical Storm Isaac....which hardly brought more than a drizzle....MJD sat at the table to make me a present....he does these little drawings all the time and I usually just pitch all the random papers that float around. But today, today he wrapped it up in a bag, presented it to me and said as purely as possible, "I love you mama, this is for you." When I opened it up and said will you tell me about it he replied, "It's us. Our family. You, me, dada, Liam and Lincoln."

This is what life is all about. The moments of frustration, fear, apprehension, joy, success, struggle, bliss....all of it is worth it for building this world for them. Family.

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