
Weekend fun

       So one of the many struggles of being a working  mom is that in the short span of a weekend, I have to accomplish everything I should have doen throughout the week such as laundry, groceries, cleaning the house, paying bills, spending time with friends, family, activities, parties, church, planning for the week ahead, and getting some quality time with my big and little guy. Tall order for most weekends, but I do get some in there that seem to go super well. This weekend was one of those! 

In the span of the last 48 hours I've: 
* Made dinner for an old friend and her girls
* Sewed her a gift, watched the kiddos, cleaned up toys scattered around the house in play, and chatted for hours
* Driven to Ft. Myers for hours at Chuck E. Cheese for a cousin's party
* Hit some stores in the outlet to scout out deals for Mason next winter (love the clearance at Children's Place!)
* Made dinner for my hubby
* Went to church
* Spent some time catching up with the hubby
* Nap (love nap time when it's pouring rain)
* Cuddle time with my little guy, doesn't happen always! (See the story below)
* 5 loads of laundry
* Cleaned almost EVERY dish in my house (yes, they were almost all dirty :( )
* Investigated coupons and deals for the week
* Organized patterns and sewing things
* Hit up Target, Sams, and Publix
* Dinner 
* Updated Mason's blog for Nana 
* Made a pattern for The Woobie Shop
* Blogged a little bit for the store
* Sewed 10 more new snack bags
* Chatted with my mom and filled her in on the goings on here
* Now catching up and chilling out for me

     This has been one busy, yet successful weekend. I'm sure that there are at least a dozen more things I'd like to and should get done before I go back to work tomorrow, but the break is coming up and it will have to wait. 

        So my little love story for the day..... Mason woke up from his nap and snuck into our room, where we were napping and alerted up to his immediate need for juice. So while Daddy went to get juice, he told Mason to lie down and snuggle Mama. If you know anything about my kid, he is not a snuggler, he can't sit still that long. Even in his sleep he moves too much :) But low and behold, Mason laid down next to me, wrapped his arm around my neck and whispered, "Mama, my mama." Sweet little memory I want to make sure and hold on to. So nice to be his mama, even when we have difficult days.

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