

I feel yuck. I'm not sure what it is. Perhaps my hubby kept me up too late Sunday night from our V Day festivities. Perhaps its the result of not sleeping well all of last week with Tim gone, or maybe just the unfortunate luck of one of Mason's sneezes and boogery kisses. Whatever it is, I've been fighting it since I walked out of the doctor's office Monday.

Just my luck right, go to the doctor to get established as a new patient, and get sick that night. Lucky for me, I was able to get some Defend and Resist from the most wonderful Emily Monday night when I felt it start. That horrible tickle in the throat, ache in the body and chill. I swear it's the only thing that's kept me walking. I just want to sleep and knock it, but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. Of course Tim scheduled some meetings this week for his second job, so of course that leaves me home alone with Mason, who always seems to have energy at the end of the day when I just feel wiped out from work.

For the record, I just swallowed 11 vitamins and supplements. Hope they help. Off to get some sleep.

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