
New things to say

The past few weeks at home with Mason have been awesome. I love watching him learn new things.

The other day he played at Abbie's house while I was at the craft fair and when it was time to leave he wanted to stay and play with the swim pool set up out back. "I want that." was what he said plain as day. Several times too. It caught me off guard because it was random, unexpected and the first sentence he's said like that.

Then Sat. night at a church concert he went poop in his diaper and when I went to change him he said, "I poop."

I know they're silly little things to most, but to me it means the era of babbeling is going to be coming to an end soon and he's going to be communicating like a really big boy.

Amazing sometimes how you blink and they're born, and you blink again and they're all grown up. For now I'm going to treasure his little moments of speech.

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