Well with a summer of budgeting and having to visit family we weren't able to take a family vacation just the three of us. But that hasn't stopped us from having a fun summer doing things around us just the three of us. Today's trip to the aquarium was quite a blast. Mason had a fun time watching the fishes and we had fun just watching him. Angel, Cassie and Annalisse got to come meet up with us and we had a fun morning.
So just some things to remember today:
Mason can run much faster than we think when he wants something or wants to get away from us.
Being almost two makes him more squirmy for snapping posed pictures.
He says EEEZE when taking a photo instead of CHEESE :)
Mason blew kisses the fishes he liked, it was too cute.
Mason loved leading Daddy around and staring at fishes.
Happy family days like today are what build us up and give us memories to remember when times get tough.
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