
I swore I would never....

Feed my child a lollipop to stop crying
Swat my child in public
Lose my temper at my kid because I was mad at someone else
Let him watch t.v. so I could do something else
Play with toys at the store we weren't going to buy
Eat ice cream before meals
Pull him out of the crib because he just didn't want to sleep at bedtime
and so many more........

But then reality hits and your child really will stop screaming in the store if bribed with a lollipop, your kid does something inappropriate in public and you have to discipline with old ladies staring at you, you do get mad, and sometimes they're just the ones in front of you when you lose it, not all t.v. is bad, and I have to shower :)
How bad is it really to let him play with the truck so I can do my shopping in the store? Ice cream has dairy in it so shouldn't it be allowed before a meal?

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