
Cease and Desist

Dear Bean,

It has been my greatest honor and most humble pleasure (most days) to be the human incubator for your miraculous growth. I have loved feeling your jabs, kicks, hiccups. Watching my tummy move as you bounce around and get comfortable.

I have greatly enjoyed our morning breakfast time together as we scarfe down Chick-fil-a at work and our mid evening naps as we crash together on the bed while big brother watches too much t.v.

I have been incredibly humbled again that God would honor me with being your mother and the ability to bring forth another little life into this world. I am constantly reminded of the great task ahead of me in raising you.

I can not tell you how amazing it feels to see your little life inside of mine every time we have an ultrasound picture done. Each time I whisper your name or speak to you my heart feels so full I can hardly stand it.

With all of that being said, I am writing to you to let you know this is your final month inside your warm habitat. As much as it pains me, and believe me it will, you will have to come out. You officially have 30 days (or less) until your arrival. Please take notice and enjoy your last month.

I can't wait to meet you, and continue to pray you grow strong and healthy as you prepare to arrive. We're so excited for all you will bring to our lives. We can't wait to announce you!

Love forever,
Mama (a.k.a. Management)

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