
Why I Blog.....

I was thinking about why I blog...... Because I've gotten so used to typing that a handwritten journal would take too long for my short patience. Seriously, though, I blog because I'm very quick to forget about my past experiences both good and bad. But I need to remember them, because it's through them that I see God working in my life and I'm reminded of everything good He does for me.

I was going to blog about people tonight. I was going to rant and rave about how people annoy me when they want everything in life to be according to them, how they don't want to see the truth in front of them, blah blah blah.....

Then I took a look at some of my past blog entries and my heart softened. My spirit opened and God just gave me a sense of peace. So I blog because I need to remind myself of things in life that are worth remembering. Lessons learned and the ones that I should have learned. And I do it publicly because maybe one day someone who needs to read it as much as I do might actually see it and it will touch them. Because I'm not about hiding my life.

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