It's quiet. Well almost. There's a car in the box of Mason's cars that randomly spins it's wheels and I' haven't gone fishing to turn off the battery yet, but other than that, my house is quiet. While I should have taken a serious nap, I rested and let my mind think and enjoy the quiet a bit. Much different than it was a couple of hours ago with a dozen or so 2 and 3 year olds running around.
We did our "Once Upon a Time Healthy Mom's Group" Christmas party at our house this morning. The group has evolved quite a bit over the 3 years. Geeze! We've celebrated 3 Christmases together now. Time seems to pass by in a blink of an eye. In the last 3 years we've gone from new moms following Vicki around doing all our Kegel exercises and obsessing over every baby thing, to more secure moms who will eat cookies for the holidays, work off the calories later of course :) to not freaking out about every cry and even to being a mom twice over. While our group has lost our founder, to a newer and better job, and even had to say good bye to our mother hen Wendy, we've grown a bit too. We've had some new faces and new babies join. We've been through arguments, hurt feelings and new beginnings. Through it all, we've just kinda been there for each other. Some of us have bonded better with some than others, but having had the support and openness of the other moms for the past 3 years has been a miracle.
I was at the mall with a friend yesterday and we were watching our toddlers play together. An older mom of school aged children was next to us alone and watching us and our kids when she remarked how much she missed the age of toddlers. How she missed the mom's groups and the getting out with other moms and all that. It made me think about how sad it will be when our kids grow up and are in school, but I hope that our mommy group will evolve with that change as well and we'll be able to stick together in some way to be there with each other as all our kids grow up. Because as much as our kids need one another, we need each other too.
So to Casie, Michelle, Katherine, Nydia, Callie, Julie, Molly, Melissa, Stella, Rachel, Amy, Jade, Amanda, and of course Wendy, thanks to a great three years. Thanks for the holiday parties, the tears, jokes, celebrations, birthday parties, girls nights out and in, support, love and of course cupcakes. :)
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