
Want to remember

* You love telling me "I love you mom."
* Whenever we're apart for a while, including nap time, you greet me with "I miss you mom."
* You've gotten it in your head that it's funny to call me by my name instead of mommy.
* Still being sweet and loving to Liam and are enjoying him a bit more.
* I love listening to you talk with your toys when you're not aware I'm watching. Love the little pretend conversations you have.
* Absolutely love listening to your prayers. Such a random collection of things you are thankful for but each one makes me smile.
* You're learning, slowly but surely, to control some actions and behaviors.
* Woobie is becoming a more permanent fixture in your bed and is coming out of your room less and less.

* You smile so much :)
* Goodness can you jabber away.
* You sleep so well when you are snuggled underneath my arm.
* Growing super quick, wish time would slow down a little.
* You arch your back and throw your fists up when you want to be picked up.
* Love your little lion toy.
* Have mastered control of your pacifier.
* Play well on your own in your pack n play when you are happy.
* When you wake up happy you are the sweetest thing. If you wake up to early, sheesh can you get mad!

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