
4 Month Bean

1/3 of the littlest man's first year has already come and gone. Scary and awesome all in the same time.

Some stats and things to remember as we enter into the fourth month :)

15 pounds (59% for his age)
25.7 inches (88%)
16.5 head (61%)

You are almost rolling over.....like 80% ready, that big belly just gets in the way.
You've realized everything I sit you in has lights or little friends and you love to stare at them, try to grab them or talk to them.
You have a wonderful little laugh.
When you poop.........well let's just say we always have extra clothes on hand and A LOT of wipes!
Your hand control is getting pretty good. You want so badly to pull the music elephant on your play gym and make it vibrate the way I do.
You can sleep through everything!
You are an incredibly noisy eater when we're in a quiet place or in public. Of course when we're home you have the best table manners.
You are beginning to outgrow your 6 months clothing and are into some 9 months.
You smell so good and are so sweet before bedtime.
Sleeping about 7 hours at night.
Have a serious set of lungs!
Hair is starting to grow back, but it is light and fine like mine.
Eyes are still blue, darker now, I think they may turn green. Still hoping they'll stay as they are.
You have become a drool monster and love chewing on things.
You are such a sweet joy to have in our lives.