So much fun! So much to write about.... So, to keep it short, just some highlights in pictures!
The little man's suitcase.... adorable, but not as easy to travel with as one would think.
Beautiful weather and scenery, so relaxing.
Potty Trained little 2 year old!
Lots and lots of walking the white dogs with Nena.
The creepy "man" that was dubbed the "pee pee man" and convinced Mason to pee on the potty.
Wonderfully delicious plantains that my mommy cooked for me everyday :)
Swimming in the big pool like a big boy!
Playing with cousin..... a.k.a. "my friend"
The awesome blue choo-choo that Mason loved in the mall.
Eating yummy watermelon when we went to the market for fruits and veggies.
Lots of play time with Nena.
Mason not wanting to leave the marina and the boats. Gotta love a 2 year old's will.
Our little family :)
I made a comment on this one a few days ago...did you ever get it?