
Pee, Poop and all things BIG BOY

Well folks, we have officially begun the potty training process. I know for some this post won't interest you, but as a first time mom this endeavor has been one I've looked forward to (no more diapers) and dreaded at the same time.

While we've tried feeble attempts before, this time we stuck with it.... so here's our low down on how things went down.

Day 1: GRRRRR. This kid is going to be in diapers until college. He screams everytime we try to put him on the potty. He hates it, I hate it, this isn't going to work!

Day 2: Okay, I've got to try to give this another go. Thank goodness I have a patient husband. Still a lot of screaming and fighting. I hope this gets better.

Day 3: Today we wake up to a little man screaming in our room that he has to go pee! Quickly rush to the potty and success!!!!! No more fighting, no more crying, success on the potty and treats abound. The "high-fives" and "fist-pumps" were in abundance. 5 successful trips to the potty and 2 accidents.

Day 4: Okay today we had no pee accidents, but there is a situation with the pooping :( So much easier with diapers, but this too will get better.

Day 5: No accidents all day! Well he pooped in his swimmy diaper, but we had pretty much bet that was going to happen. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

(I'll update this post as things progress. This potty business must be mastered before travelling again.)

UPDATE: So it's been a week plus a day since we've started full throttle. Pooping has been an issue, mostly due to the fact that when we've gone outside for trips we've still used Pull Ups just as a precaution, so he's used those times to do his business. Today has been a fully sucessful potty day with both pee and poop in the potty and no accidents of any kind. Since there have been a couple of successful poop trips on the potty he's not so scared of the process, which is a very good thing. On top of all of that, we've had completely dry nights and naps every day since beginning. Little man is also prompting when he has to go potty almost all of the time.

I thought it would be much cheaper potty training, but alas, there were a few things I needed to order and purchase for the new world of independent bowel movements, such as a travel potty for the car, a folding potty seat , reuseable cloth training pants for night time so we don't waste Pull Ups. And since today has been a perfect day, Mason was treated with a special surprise ordered for him from Nana for his success.

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