
Late night thoughts

It's been a busy week and weekend, but before starting another work week I wanted to jot down a few thoughts:

  • Love how my Mr. Independent can now wake up in the middle of the night, walk to our room, stand by the bed and realize we won't let him in, and walk back to his bed, crawl in and go back to sleep. (Now if only he'd bypass the trip all together and just stay in bed.)
  • My hubby is so great when I feel moody and tired. I've had a rough few days, and he's so great with me as I stretch and grow in a few different areas.
  • Re-visiting boundaries with children is not easy. They learn the rules and consequences and then as they grow they grow into wanting to push and explore more than their boundaries, and it's not always easy to have to be correcting, re-directing and disciplining to turn them back to where they should go.
  • I heard the best compliment about my little man today..... He was asleep when we arrived to church this morning and woke as I went to bring him to his nursery class. He was a little clingy and I feared a fight in order to leave him. Another little girl, who had just been dropped off, was throwing a fit and crying and didn't want to participate in the group. I was able to leave little man and when I picked him up I heard he went over to the little girl, sat with her quietly while she pouted by herself, offered his snack to her and stayed with her to comfort her. When one of the teachers would come over to check on her, little man would say she was crying and just sit with her. The little girl eventually stopped pouting and little man was able to share a book with her. That makes my mommy heart so proud. Aside from the lack of sharing, fighting for toys, terrible tantrums and all the other irksome things about the world of 2.... my little man saw another child upset and went to comfort her.
  • Being a stronger person than others around you is a difficult thing. Especially when you may have to spend much of your time around them. But if my obedience today will bestow blessings on the life of my son someday, I'll gladly sacrifice my selfishness and pride.
  • This week I will walk in the truth that if God brings me to the situation, He alone will set up the success and blessings of it.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm...GREAT thoughts! I love "right here, right now" thoughts.
    Sounds like we need a mommy play date...before you leave?!?
