
Vacation Memories with Mason

This past week its been just me and Mason at my parents house. While we miss Tim terribly, it has been kinda nice to share this time and make memories for the two of us. Well I suppose just me since Mason won't remember any of this.

* At Nana's house can a full course dinner meal be two cups of chocolate pudding.

* At Nana's house Mason is allowed to sleep in bed with Mommy all night rather than in the crib.

* At Nana's house Mason is able to get so dirty he needs to take 3 baths in one day.

* At Nana's house he can convince Nana to go fully clothed into the freezing fountains outside.

* At Nana's house Mason can watch tv to go to sleep and have his back scratched all night.

* At Nana's house he can go swimming as many times as he wants in a day, even in the rain.

But the thing I'll remember more than anything about this week, is having Mason wake me up in the morning with his little hands patting my face and then giggling when I open my eyes to him. You really think you understand love when you get married and give your life to another adult, but when you wake up and see the little one you created with your spouse out of that love, then you really understand what love is.

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