
The Things He Says....

I love my during the day conversations with MJD.....sometimes he takes my breath away with his wisdom and other times he makes me giggle like crazy with his silliness.....lately we've been having the same conversations over and over.....

MJD: Who is your most all favorite boy?

Me: Daddy.

MJD: Why?

Me: Because I love him and married him.

MJD: Who is your favorite boy?

Me: Mason.

MJD: Smile....Who is your favorite baby boy?

Me: Liam.

MJD: Smile and sit quietly.


MJD: Hannah is my girlfriend. Why?

Me: I don't know, why is she your girlfriend?

MJD: I love her.

Me: Why do you love her?

MJD: She is good and nice and shares toys.

Me: So you want to have a nice girl?

MJD: Yes, she doesn't go to Tucker Turtle.


MJD: Hannah is my girlfriend. But I don't want to tell the other girls because I don't want to disappoint them.

Tim: Where does he get this stuff?

MJD: Are you taking care of my baby girl?

Me: Yes, I am taking care of the baby. But you know it might not be a girl?

MJD: But we already have a boy.

Me: Yes, but God might give us another boy and that is okay. If you want a baby girl you will have to ask Jesus.

MJD: I already did that.

Me: Then just keep praying for what you want, but if we have a boy that is good too.

MJD: I told you, I already asked Jesus.

Me: Ok then.

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