
Little bean

I am waiting in my OB's waiting room with a stack full of photos....

Photos of my new little bean.

I felt like bloging because I have to do something...just too much emotion.
He's too beautiful for words, measuring on target and with a bit of a chunky belly! Imagine that, me having another chunky baby boy!

The technician told me his kidneys are too full, he either hasn't peed yet or he might have a blockage...either way they will run another ultrasound to check him in a few weeks. I have already learned to just trust God with him, so I am not too concerned.

Oh what will you he little bean? What colors will you like, what foods will you enjoy? Will you be shy or loud, overly rambunctious or laid back?
Will you have the same big belly laugh of your brother or the sly grin of your father?
What dreams will you dream, what plans does God have for you, and what lives will you touch?
I can't wait to hold you and meet you and walk you through this life, but until God is ready for us to meet I will keep you warm and safe, feed you, talk to you, protect you, pray for you and make certain you are aware every moment that you are loved, cherished and so greatly desired.
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