
15 Month Bean

I don't know how it happened, but once again, I blinked and my baby boy went from a sweet 12 month old to a tornado of a 15 month old! Oi! Tonight you let me rock you to sleep and I the savored quiet peace of you sleeping in my arms. A rarity it seems these days.

Most of your days are spent running around the house, chasing your brother, terrorizing the dog and scaling all furniture or cabinets within eyesight. You rarely stop moving unless you are parked in front of the t.v. and wanting to watch Pocoyo or decide you want to climb on my lap while I am trying to do something on the computer or at the sewing machine.

Your "pipe" (a.k.a. pacifier) has become your best friend.....along with your Woobie blanket, which you feel like you need to have everywhere, and constantly seems to get you tangled up.

Vocabulary is beginning to sprout up and at your well visit this week we were happy to learn you are meeting your 5 word milestone: "mama" "dad" "pi pi pi" (pipe) "uh oh" "ba" (ball)

Your stats came in high enough to make mama happy, especially since you seem to have become a picky eater and seem to graze all day rather than eat meals with us....but you checked in at 22.8 lbs and 31.24 inches, and both were above average and showing growth on the chart.

Personality wise....boy oh boy are you stubborn! Sweet as a peach when you are happy, but you are starting to get a little temper....you cry A LOT when I drop you off at the church nursery, certainly know enough not to let your big brother push you around too much, and you have quickly learned that Daddy is a lot of fun. Now when he comes home from work you quickly run to the door to greet him and play, leaving mama in the dust.

Before I know it, I will blink and you'll be 18 months!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading post like these!! They grow up way to fast, seems like you just had him : )
