
Rough Week?

When you think you have had a rough week....remember it could always be worse.....like this poor dude...

His life is spent in the arms of others all the time, someone has to bathe him, he gets his butt wiped for him several times a day, gets away with wearing silly animal clothing, is escorted all over town in a personal limousine. The poor chap doesn't even walk on his own in the stores, he is wheeled around in a carriage.
He naps at his leisure, cries at any whim, is attended to by ladies, is constantly told how good he looks and when he awakes he will be consoled for his smallest squeak.....all the while not fully appreciating all he is enjoying and will never remember how good he has it.

So, if you had a rough week, think about this poor guy who is living the best years of his life and will carry no memory of it :-)

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