
Halloween 2011

We're not super crazy, spooky, big on Halloween fans, but Tim and I both had a lot of fun growing up and doing the trick or treating and dressing up, so we want our boys the same opportunity. So we do the costumes and the church events and even the Halloween night ritual of going door to door and getting candy....(always supervised and in a safe place, of course!)

This year, rather than brave the chaos that has been the PG downtown district, we decided to head out with some friends to their neighborhood, which has quite a few more homes that are candy friendly than our area.

And with Halloween being on a Monday, we were able to maximize costumes and candy by doing something every day starting with the weekend.

Our first holiday stop was at MJD's preschool....
(I have to stop and put in a plug. They do a fantastic job at every and all events that they do. The staff is always inviting, they really reach out to the community, share the love of Jesus and have a heart for children's ministry that is sincere, genuine and life giving. I am always pleased to support their efforts and have been abundantly blessed that my child loves it there.) I decided for this event Bean would sport it new pumpkin hat from Kara and forgo the costume. MJD had a great time and we enjoyed candy, dinner, bounce houses and games.
We also visited my in-laws' church for their event, but we forgot the camera and since it started raining we didn't stay long with the little ones. But it was fun while we were there.

Halloween night we met up with our friends and did trick or treating....Neither boy knew the other one was also going to be Spiderman, so they were both excited!
Here's our little monkey....he was so great for all we put him through. Too bad he doesn't even get to reap the benefits of Halloween yet :)
This is not a great photo, but about as good as it's going to get in our season of life, especially with costumes on and candy waiting to be collected :)

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