
3 a.m.

If someone had told me months ago that I was going to love being awake at 3 a.m. every day I would have laughed. Having gone through mid morning feedings before with my big boy and feeling like a zombie, I wasn't exactly looking forward to the 3 a.m. feeding.

3 am has begun to have a new meaning to me.....rather than grumble and struggle out of bed to feed Bean, I've come to relish the wimper from the crib as I pick him up.

For this season in life I am going to savor the opportunity of my 3 a.m. wake up call because there is a sweet peace in my life when I enjoy the stillness of the morning. Not only do I use the time to feed Bean, but I'm learning the great power of 3 a.m. as I hold my sweet boy and share that time with God.

In the time it takes me to feed my guy I can pray through the upcoming day, for all my Bible study ladies, my sweet family, leaders of our church, those dear to my heart and cover my family in the protection of my prayer.

I'm certainly not saying I don't look forward to the days when 8 consecutive hours of sleep come to me, but I am enjoying the growth happening to me until then and hope that by the time those days come these habits will be rooted deep within me to continue.

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