
From the lips of children

I love the way you say "Thank you, thank you, thank you" in threes when I let you play with paint.

When you don't want to do something you say "No thank you," as if by using your manners it makes exempt from doing the task. Clever try.

"No mama, you can't put me in time out, I am the big brother."

When that line didn't work you came up with "Jesus loves me! I can't go to time out."

Love the way you tell me you miss me when we have been part for a while.

You ask me to "teach you" how to do things now and it makes me slow down and enjoy things with you more.

Love how you call your brother "Liam Andrew" when you talk about him.

Listening to you talk about angels reminds me about how much more innocent you are than I realize. Wish for you to stay like that as long as possible.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. so cute! Forgot to tell you that every baby anything Jackson sees is now called baby liam :)
