
Sorry Shakespeare

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." ~ William Shakespeare.

While a rose would still smell like a rose, the implication that the name of the item doesn't matter is something I have to disagree on Shakespeare with. After keeping friends and family in the dark, well as many as MJD didn't blab too at least, the story behind our baby boy's name is here.

At 14 weeks along in the pregnancy we already knew we were going to have a baby boy. I began to experience some bleeding and we were frightened I was going to miscarry. On the way to the doctor's office I sat in the car battling tears and praying for my little boy. All the time thinking that if I lost this little love I didn't even have a name for him yet. As I felt on the verge of terror, God in His amazing goodness washed over me and spoke peace to my heart that He was in deed my great Almighty and would protect my little bean. He knew how much I desired this baby and would provide for us in this fear.

Tim and I had already compiled a list of names we liked and were debating.... when we returned from the doctor and had learned that everything was in deed fine and healthy, I went through each name on the list to research meanings and ideas.

LIAM- a shortening of the name William. Meaning....PROTECTOR, DESIRE, WILL.

That was it! His middle name, Andrew, is a family name on my father's side. Also the name my parents had hoped we would use for a first name. I love the name, but didn't want a Drew or Andy for short. Andrew means strong and manly.

I knew right away, from the depth of my soul that every time I would look in his face or say his name, that same peace God gave me and assurance of His presence would flood my heart. So that is part and parcel to why we kept the name a secret too. I wanted the joy of that experience to be just mine for a while. I wanted people to ask about his name, so every time I share the story I can remember God's grace in that moment.

Liam Andrew,
May you always know that from before you were thought of on this earth, you were very much desired in Heaven. Your very beginning was planned, loved and willed with everything we could have done here on earth and with all of God's love in Heaven. You are a very special gift to us and those you meet. Your life has purpose and a will far greater than anything I as a mother can ever dream.

And yes, many times I still will call you "Bean", because to be honest your name evokes some emotions too great for me at times. So as you lay here beside me in bed, just a mere 3 days old, I want you to know I savor every second of this life with you. Every step of this journey, from your beginning to your arrival has shown me the protection and provision of our God. Every sight of your sweet face reminds me of how mighty God is.

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