
The little things

Sometimes it's the little things that make me smile so much more than the big things....

Flower shoes that are flat and don't bother my feet after working all week...yes, I can still see my feet over my belly :)
Leaving work on a Thursday and wishing it was Friday only to be greeted by Moose in the passenger seat because MJD insisted on leaving him there in the morning to keep me company in the car.

The first tie onesie I made for my new little bean.

Baby items that I have finally had time to make for little bean after finishing up several shower gifts for other mamas. (Dino fabric was super cute! And I didn't want to pay someone else for a diaper sack and pacifier clip.)

Decorations for the nursery...once again didn't want to pay someone else for them, but they turned out cute.Brand new diaper bag that showed up in the mail last week :) One of the best parts of having to tote around diapers and burp cloths again...another new bag!

Trying to keep things in perspective as we jump into a couple of possibly challenging months. Taking time to just be grateful for the little blessings God shows me every day.

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