
Stone wall

I'm stonewalling. You know that defense mechanism where you put up a barrier so you don't have to feel the pain. My husband hates when I do it, especially when I'm mad at him. (No worries, not mad at him.)

Work starts tomorrow. Ugh. Not that I don't have a good job and not that I'm not incredibly thankful for a steady paycheck through this lousy financial season, just bummed I have to leave my little man. 

We've had quite a week. At nap time we both crash. Nothing I wanted to accomplish for myself was done, everything I wanted to do for my son was successful. Play dates, friends, outings, staying home and playing, etc. So much fun. So exhausted. 

I'm concerned as to how he's going to behave too this week. We've been home together for a stretch and he's old enough to understand this time around what the changes are going to be. 

Ugh, the morning is going to be rough. It's a vicious cycle. I don't sleep because I'm anxious, then when the morning comes, as hard as it is, it's worse because I didn't sleep well. I suppose I should attempt to get some sleep. Off to go pray, and hopefully sleep.

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