
Just rambling about myself and my today

Ever feel like things are changing and you're not sure what's ahead, but it's exciting? That's where I'm at now. I'm determined to be positive about the things I have to do. I'm so tired of living in a world full of obligations. I've decided that I'm only going to live in a world of passion and desire.

So things have changed in our home. Priorities shifted and rearranged.

The Drumm home has stopped worrying about pleasing others all the time and trying to make things perfect and we're living with take out nights and tickles in bed all the time. We've shifted from a clean and perfect home all the time to some slightly messy floors and toys scattered everywhere because we've played with everything. I'm letting go of having to get things done super quickly and holding on the the precious moments I have when Mason is awake and playing.

I still hate working, but I'm going to do a great job at my job because my family needs that from me. We're praying more, playing more and finding more time for the things that matter in life. No more worrying about bills and payments, we're staying on budget and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. After all, it's just money.

We're saying goodbye to the things we don't have a desire to do, and opening our hearts to new adventures and paths God may have for us. We're letting go of fears and expanding our faith, one day at a time.

When all is said and done, we all die. Our possessions will rot away and we take nothing with us. So for today, I'm going to make it the best day I can. I'm not worrying about what I can't control, but I'm going to shape what I can, myself.

So work is started, I'm getting in the swing of things, I'm tired and the house still isn't totally completely spotless, but I had a great night with family and that's all that really matters.

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