

I am not in any way a tear up kinda gal.....aside from Bible study group (where life seems too real to be anything but honest and somehow tears just flow) .... So this flood of emotion and everything that has happened to me in the past 6 days is just overwhelming.

Not post baby blues kinda thing....more like "How is this really my life? and "I blinked and God really did this most amazing thing....really?"

Some moments I feel like surely we won't be able to survive the crazy that is life with three boys, but here I am in the middle of the night with a sweet and AMAZING little on my chest, and all I want to do is cry because I am so madly, crazy, over the moon in love with each of them.

I am terrified about not giving each enough attention, we've had tantrums and fights already, I wonder how each will adjust and if I am holding each enough and don't want them to grow up too fast....but one thing I know to the depth of my soul is that God so knew what He was doing by throwing my world upside down with these four amazing men....from my sweet and sexy hubby to my independent big, wild man middle and bomber baby boy....

I could not ask for more! And knowing that God loves me so much to grant me a life in this crazy world of boy is just overwhelming ❤

1 comment:

  1. Love how real you are on your blog. You rock it as a mom lady!! Can't wait to hold littlest :)
