

6 a.m.- Alarm beeps....had been in a some what semi conscious state of awake already. Dawns on me why alarm beeps....delivery day! Panic!!!!!
Heart races, blood pressure rises...

"My grace is sufficient for thee...my peace made perfect in your weakness."

6:30 a.m.- Getting ready and realize the verse actually was "strength" instead of "peace"....decide I like it better the way He whispered it to me this morning.

7:12 a.m.- Leave house.

7:39 a.m.- Labor and Delivery calls while we are driving...induction postponed a half hour/hour cause no beds are ready yet :/ Ask on how baby is moving and I noticed he moved great all night and hardly not at all this morning. Will call back in 30 mins.

8:12 a.m.- Delay lands us at local CFA for breakfast. (Side note, my local shop is AMAZING! This one stinks in comparison!)At least the hiccup in scheduling allows for some giggles with my man :)

8:52 a.m.- Check in at Labor & Delivery....wait on paperwork and for a room.

9:30 a.m.- All paperwork and registration complete and back in waiting room. Waiting on an open bed as they have been slammed all night and morning.

(The knowing this is going on today is nice, sorta....the waiting is nerve wrecking! Once again smiling as I think of God laughing at me as He says..."You get this, just in my time!")

10:27 a.m.- Still waiting in waiting room....(insert exasperated sigh here :/)
Decided to be productive and do my Bible Study that I was a bit behind on...good stuff on Ruth and her having a son....striking a cord in my heart.

10:35 a.m. - In hospital room #10...donning the awesome blue gown and hooked up to fetal monitors. Answering questions, chatting with nurse, more waiting :)

11:32 a.m. - IV started and checked...4 cm...baby floating high and pitocin started

FYI....IV sucks!!!

12:24 p.m. - Contractions coming every 3 mins or less....beginning to hurt a good bit :/ Making progress :)

12:40 p.m.- Doc came in, water broken. Ouch! Contractions hurt, baby getting ready to drop, pressure. Oi!

12:55 p.m.- on a good note my belly shrunk a lot....bad note is I am sitting in a bed, leaking fluid and this crap hurts...and no that is the filtered version, I am not thinking those words in my head!!! I foresee an epidural in my near future!

Tim is laughing at me for documenting this, but it helps keep me distracted in the short breaks between pain.

2:15 p.m.- Epidural requested :(

2:55 p.m.- epidural in

3:15 p.m.- death has arrive....epidural does NOT work at all :(

3:36 p.m.- epidural removed and redone

3:50 p.m.-  some pain gone. Baby bounces down during contraction and retreats up

4:03 p.m.- oxygen given. 9 cm

4:18 p.m. - blood pressure drops low, getting scared, Tim prays

4:40 ish- blood pressure gets better, baby heart rate drops, he won't move down enough to push

Lincoln Brandt Drumm
5:57 pm
9 pounds 7 ounces
21.25 inches
Picture to follow

Okay...some of the crazy has settled and I need to recap while it is fresh.

Epidural did not work at all first time. Sheer hell thinking you are going to get some relief and then nothing. Apparently a student or not the head doctor did it the first time and I had waited a long time to get it :/ When it didn't take the head doctor came back and removed it and tried again, and doses me straight in the back to get some quick relief. Worked somewhat for about hour and half. Was 9 cm but my cervix would stay behind his head and baby would sneak back up after the contraction ended.

About 5:30 my heart rate and baby are stable and the drugs are not working :/ Every time I had a contraction I felt him drop down and hit my pelvic bone....horrible! A few minutes pass and the nurse has to check a lady next door. My drugs are gone and Lincoln decided to drop and turn and want out! Super, horrible, terrible! After a few contractions Tim runs out to find nurse and when she comes in I beg for drugs which apparently now she can't give because I am ready to deliver.

Death is upon me! Doc gets ready and I push twice and Lincoln's head comes out....want to breathe and have a second but the cord is all around him and they force me to push again to remove him. Poor guy is all blue/purple :(

He arrives! Sweet Jesus it is almost finished. Amazing how the instant pain relief comes in seeing baby. Doc finishes his thing, stitches me up and gets me settled some. Nurses take baby from me to the warmer. Apparently big babies need to be monitored as much as little babies and they wanted to check his shoulders and hips weren't hurt in delivery.

Because he came so fast at the end and the drop and turn so sudden, and he was so big....he was quite bruised so his face is a little purple and splotchy. No photos yet, neither he nor I were able to get cleaned up. His blood sugar fell cause of his size and they wanted me to hold him and nurse him to stabilize his heart and breathing better.

I am tired. More tomorrow. And pictures of him after he is bathed in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Whew! What a birth! Great job Mama on hanging in there! Yes big babies have to be monitored closely right at first too. Noah was the same way. At 10.3 he came out all bruised and they wanted to make sure his blood sugar level was ok too. Glad you are both doing well! Enjoy the first few days as a family of 5! :)
