
Doing something right?

I make a lot of mistakes as a parent. All the time. On a daily basis. I think the more I come to accept it the less I stress and the more I just pray about it. I really don't want to screw my kids up. Too many kids don't have parents and get screwed up, and I don't want to be the parent that screws up their kid. I also don't want to tick God off in messing up this little human He trusts us with.

In the midst of a fight between MJD and Daddy last night....of course over something ridiculous like wanting ice cream before bed....I stood in the hallway and prayed for them both. "Ugh, really God? Does he have to get angry about ice cream and fight with Daddy before bedtime?!" But in hopes of letting the two of them work it out on their own I kept my mouth shut and put Bean to sleep. They did compromise and tears (which for a male, MJD is great about turning on!) ended and then bedtime routine resumed......as I walked by his room on my way for a kiss and hug I hear the following....

Daddy: " Mason, what Bible story do you want tonight?"

MJD: "The one with the cross."

Most days it feels like we're swimming across the current, in murky water nonetheless, trying to raise these creatures called "Boys" into respectable, God fearing, independent, Jesus loving men.....and when I just want to throw up my hands and shout "I surrender! Take me away!" God gives a tiny nudge that maybe, just maybe it's not for naught. He can work around my failures, through my struggles, past my weaknesses and even when I'm sinking in the muck He's still just right there. I'm going to have to take Him at His word on this one. And keep praying I get the right seeds planted.

"You will always harvest what you plant." Galatians 6:7

1 comment:

  1. You two are doing such a great job raising those adorable creatures! :) Don't forget - we're in the exact same boat! I know exactly how you feel! Love ya!
