
What a day.....for a new princess to come

Some days you walk away from and there are just no words.....Today was such an amazing day in so many ways that I don't know if words will do it justice, but here goes.

This morning I got up and after getting ready and preparing my family for the day I went down to the hospital and waited with my sweet girlfriend Casie for her to deliver her baby. After 39 weeks of pregnancy and her labor starting and stopping she finally went in for an induction. We waited and waited for the doctor to come in because we knew nothing would happen until he broke her water. Upon arrival (several hours late and with a terribly rude demeanor) he broke her water, we began pacing the labor and delivery floor, sitting on the yoga ball and moving around.....labor began to commence and very quickly proceeded. Casie was amazing......she labored beautifully and with such grace and calmness. Going at it without medications, pain reducers or any other drugs she labored for a few hours and then I was privileged to be with her and assist her, in such a small way, as she brought forth sweet Miss Olivia Jane Porter into this world.

The entire process was humbling to witness. Having only ever been in a delivery room as the mother to be and not as a bystander the entire process is so different! To witness someone you love and care for in true agony and unable to release them of pain is hard! To feel helpless to change things, to sit back and see them struggle, knowing words and touches are hardly enough to comfort. To witness the miracle of a healthy birth and beautiful pink baby is an awesome experience. In the sense that you are just in awe of it.

A lot of prayers were said today in that delivery room. For the mother, the doctors and nurses, the baby, for myself even that I would actually be strong enough to endure the process with her and not chicken out :) As I process all of this and even still I can't wrap my head around all that has happened, I am so deeply humbled at the beauty of God's gift in life. Of His amazing presence in all things, His intricate design for life and the mighty way he knits all of it together.

Whatever one thinks about life and the origin and design of it all, I know today I witnessed a beautiful miracle. I saw the creator at work and as He painted forth a new life on this earth I got to be a witness to His great power. I look back and see not just how He paints the life and birth of it, but my heart swells with joy as I look back and see also how he has knit together our lives as friends over the past 5 years. I never would have thought when I met Casie on our old church property and was pregnant with my first little boy that years later I would be allowed the honor of being with her as she gave birth to her first daughter. And yet, He purposed so much before the beginning of time.

I so look forward to watching His hand at work in my life, in Casie's life and in the lives of our sweet little ones in the years to come. And I will continue to write our stories, so one day, when I need a reminder I can look back and see how Sovereign my Jesus is.

Olivia Jane Porter
January 25, 2012
8 lb 1.7 oz
21 inches long
1:39 p.m.

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