
Last adventure of a 3 year old.

Saturday was the last day in the world of 3....crazy how time flies.

Before we ventured out to our big birthday celebration weekend, MJD had to experience one last adventure, well the beginning of one at least.....SOCCER.

I now am officially one of those soccer moms, with a cooler on the sideline and a camping chair set up :)

Getting instructions from Coach Ron.

Such a little man in a big uniform. He melts my heart.
On the go!
Some pointers from Dad.
Chilling out in baby brother's chair after the game as he was super tired.
What a way to spend our Saturdays together.


  1. Great pictures! Great family shot at the end.

  2. Tim should wear that blue shirt every game...it complements the uniform well. :)

  3. Somebody needs to hit that field with the lawnmower! It's hard for those little guys to kick a ball when the grass is up past their ankles.

  4. LOL @ Jason!!

    Diggin that you're a soccer mom! :) I'm guessing its a right of passage!
