
Murphy's law

Not the way I hoped to start the day, or the month for that matter....
Early morning for both boys.
No morning nap for bean.
Oatmeal explosion while making breakfast.
Milk flood at the table by big boy.
Milk flood at lunch while I made food.
5 loads of laundry to fold and put away. A.k.a. Drumm Mountain.
Trip to Target for plastic bins, which don't fit in a cart with a car seat.
3 year old who has to poo when you get to the store, are in a hurry and have a cart full of boxes. Oh, and you leave the wet wipes in the diaper bag, which is in the car!
Running into your pastor's wife right after you scold your child, eek.
Welcoming a loud battery operated plastic Buzz Lightyear back into the house.
Picking up husbands shoes, Grrr. Hate that!
Cranky child at an IEP meeting at school.
Hunting down all the toys I put away for Good Will last night that big found this morning when he woke before me.

Okay, venting over.....both boys are asleep, for the moment. Thunderstorm is going on, and I am praying the thunder won't startle them. Going to lay here and hold the little while I watch the big rest.

Besides, I am not taking the chance of screwing up a project with my roll today :) Or of waking up either boy.

Gotta have days like today I guess. They help you laugh at things rather than cry, slow down and pray, and remind yourself that all in all if this is bad then I am most truly blessed.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. FYI... The pastor's wife scolds too. ;)

  2. Just think of us and our pooping issues when he has to poop at the store... at least he isn't doing it in his pants! :)
