
A 2 month Bean...

(This posting is a tad late....so goes our life!)

At 2 months old Bean loves to sleep! You went to the doctor and had 4 shots :( But you were such a great trooper and while you did have a slight fever were never super miserable and didn't seem to require meds to help bring it down.

You're still eating often during the day but are going on and off with 5-6 hour nights :) Love that!

Don't quite love that you're still a baby barracuda when you eat....new experience is a milk blister for mama :( not pleasant at all!

Stats from the doctor: 12.6 pounds 23.25" long and 15" head

Growing like a little bean should...newborn clothes are all packed away again, into the 3-6 months. Diapers are a challenge, still making you use up the size 1 but you really need the 1-2 size.

At about 7 weeks old you started to smile consistently for us and then just at 2 months you started cooing and talking.

Staring up at the fan and lights, one of your favorite activities.
Big brother was jealous and wanted into the photo!

1 comment:

  1. Baby Barracuda! Love it! (Not the side effects though!) :)
