

So today was a busy day. We went to Payton's second birthday party. It's crazy because going to a baby's first birthday is such a huge deal that the milestone's been reached, but when you go to a second birthday party, you just start to feel like time is flying by to fast. All of the babies in our mom's group are not babies anymore. As I watched Mason interact with the kids today I saw him as a "big boy" for the first time. He held him own in the battle for the balloons, he climbed into the table with the others and ate his cupcake without help and he followed commands like a champ.
It's amazing how when they're 3 months old and sit around like a lob you can't wait for them to move, talk, interact and more and then when they do you want to freeze them in time.
So much has been changing in his life the past couple of weeks. He's taken off on the move like no one's business. It's hard to keep track of him when he's on the go. The doctor has put an end to using a bottle, and we're on only sippy cups, much to his disapproval, and he's working so hard on saying anything he can. I was putting socks on him this morning and realized they were getting too small, so we stopped at the store on our way home for new ones and I had to buy them in the boy section rather than the baby department. We're definitely moving away from babyhood into full fledged toddler hood. It's an interesting transition.
I'm a big believer in accepting life's stages and adapting with them, but as a Mama, it's hard to see the moments go by so quickly. I must admit there are times when I'm tired from work, stressed from life, and drained to the point where I don't always treasure the moments I have with Mason. It was nice to be reminded today to slow things down, enjoy my son, because the days go by too fast and you never get to re-wind the movie of your own life.

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